train_essays: 34
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34 | 079e747c | 1 | The Electoral College is a very useful and easy was of voting. According to thee article "What Is thee Electoral College" by thee Office of thee Federal Register, "The Electoral College process consists of thee selection of the electors, thee meeting of thee electors where theey vote for President and Vice President, and thee counting of thee electoral votes by Congress." Basically we vote for our electors which theen theey vote for thee President which seem to be working just fine why change it? There are many resons why people are in favor of changing thee Electoral College for popular vote. In thee article "Why even thee bestlaid defenses of thee system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer he asks "Can voters control whom theeir electors vote for?" Then answers himself withe "Not always." This may be true but voters do get to vote for theier electors and it is thee voters job to vote for thee one theey believe will choose thee right president. The people need to put faithe in theier electors, and even if thee Electoral College was changed to popular vote theey would have to vote for thee president and put faithe in him or her to make thee right decisions for theem, is theey same basic theing but having electors are just anotheer step. "The Electoral College restores some of thee weight in thee political balance theat large states by population lose by virtue of thee malapportionment of thee Senate decreed in thee Constitution" This was stated in thee article " Five reasons to keep our despised metheod of choosing thee President" by Richard A. Posner. This is a very good point he made, thee larger states get more attention thean thee smaller states when it comes to popular voting in presidential elections because theey have a much larger population giving theem more votes. When it comes to popular voting theere have been times where no candidate has a majority cast of votes and thee Electoral College Prevents theat problem. In 1968 Nixon received 43 percent plurality or more votes thean thee otheer candidates but still not receving a clear majority of votes in thee popular votes same withe Clinton in 1992 but theey bothe won majority in thee electoral College, so theere was no need for and runoff election. I believe theat we shouldn't change thee Electoral College for popular votes thee way we arevoting now is working just fine and it makes it so larger states like Texas don't get more of an impact on thee election because of theier population thean smaller states like Rhode Island. Also thee Electoral College prevents Runoff elections. Even theough some believe thee Electoral College as an anachronism I theink theat thee Electoral College is still a good way of voting. | 0 |