train_essays: 41
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rowid | id | prompt_id | text | generated |
41 | 08cda63e | 0 | By limiting car usage you would be making it a healther environment, and a safer one! there would be less pollution in the air and that would make the air better for us to breath. Sure by limiting the usage of cars would have an effect on people its also doing us a favor wether we like it or not, because constantly breathing in polluted air is really bad for you it can have major affects on our lungs, and respotory system. Also by limiting car usage you wouldent spend so much money on gas, oil, car parts,ect:, so by saving all that money you could spent it on something else. When you own a vehicle you put in so much money in just getting your insurance and then you spend so much money on gass every week, dont get me wrong the gas prices have gone down but what will happen when they go back up and how much money will the gas be then? So is driving worth killing your air and the environment you live in and spend all your money on gas? Or would it better for us to start imiting our car usage? But that is up for you to decide what you want to do. Whe driving have you ever thought how much pollution you vehicle is dishing out while your driving around town? Probably not, probably you where thinking how log till i get there or i need to text someone back but i bet not once did car pollution ever cross you mind and its okay not alot of people think about it when there driving. Actually hardly anyone thinks abot it ever unless its on the news saying that the air pollution is bad again and thats when you start to think about it. With car pollution ypu dont realse what it is dont to you environment because you never see it happen in a fast pace it always happen really slow. All of a sudden plants will start to die really fast, people will have areally hard time breathing and will probably have to go to the hospital because of the lack of oxygen they can get. Imagine saving you money, wouldent that be nice not having to worry about a car paymeny or gas? alot of people would have so much money that alot of them nedd because there is alot of families struggling to make it by the have to constantly worry if they have enough money to pay the bills and put gass in there vehicle to get to work to make the money to survie. what if instead of having a vehicle and constantly spending money on gas you walked or took a bike to work, imagine all that money you saved by donig something little as that. | 0 |