train_essays: 49
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49 | 0a62093d | 0 | Within countries around the world people are coming together, whether it be the politicians or the citizens, they are all beginning to put an end to the use of cars on a daily bases. In Germany there is a suburban city where the majority of its' streets are relatively free of cars and the residents of this "carfree" city seem quite content. Germany isn't alone in wanting to rid the world of cars along with the pollution and stress it brings, Paris, France is another of the handful of places that would prefer to begin an anticar revolution. There are days in Paris that, when the smog is too much to bare and the air is hardly breathable, they are forced to enforce a partial driving ban. After about a week the air was noticeably cleaner. While Vauban, Germany and Paris, France have joined the fight in kicking cars to the curb in their own particular ways, three cities in Colombia have also decided to become a member of the ever growing "carfree" city club by starting a program that sponsors a carfree day once a year. Taking a closer look at the suburban city of Vauban, Germany, it is easy to see the reason as to why the country would create a city free from cars along with parking spaces. When thinking of suburban cities most people create a mental image of large buildings spread far apart from public homes or neighborhoods with long winding roads and intersections packed with automobiles. Considering most of the popular suburban cities throughout the world match this description, it is not completely inaccurate, but most people fail to also imagine the abundance of smog and other forms of pollution that invade the cities because of the gaseous fumes released by cars and other vehicles. Vauban has greatly decreased the amount of air pollution in their city by simply eliminating the amount of automobiles out on the roadways. According to the article titled "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in paragragh 5, cars are the cause for up to twelve percent of greenhouse gases emersed into the air in Europe while in some areas of the United States the amount of gases released into the air is around fifty percent. By eliminating the amount of cars used in Vauban, Germany they are creating friendly air for its' residents to breathe. Going back to the image most people in the world assume a suburb would look like, winding roads seem to take up the majority of space between stores and residential homes. In Vauban they have reconstructed the roadways and car garages into walkways and new stores so the residents have more access to the places they need to be. The elimination of the amount of roads and highways have helped Vauban to also put forth more money into other ways of transportations as opposed to using the majority of money on the contructions of highways and such. When reading the article "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in paragragh 9 it states that in most of the previous bills passed has claimed that nearly eighty percent of appropriations have gone to highways while an estimated amount of twenty percent has gone to other forms of transportation. Next on the list of cities that are attempting to put an end to car use would be Paris, France. Within Paris there are gorgeous sights to see and the majority of them could be seen and reached by a simple bike ride and there is really no need to fill the air with more pollution with an unnessasary car. This is what most of the people in charge of Paris believe which is why they created partial driving bans. The smog within Paris, France can, at times, rival even the amount of air pollution in Beijing, China which is infamous for being the most polluted cities in the entire world as was said in the article titled "Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog" by Robert Duffer in paragragh 14. While Paris officials wanted to completely eradicate driving completely so that the smog would disappear, they knew that with the millions of drivers in Paris that it could not be completely banned all at once. To help illiminate the smog and still keep from having too many issues with its' citizens, Paris decided to make it so that one day the drivers with even numbered license plates would not be permitted to drive their vehicles and the next day only drivers with odd numbered license plates were banned from driving. They continued this pattern for a week. Of course, there were some people who decided to drive their cars whether or not it was banned, so the officials came to the conclusion that anyone who broke the partial banning rule would have to suffer a twenty two euro fine. According to the article titled "Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog" by Robert Duffer in paragragh 12, nearly four thousand drivers were fined throughout that week. Regardless of the people who went against this rule sixty percent of congestion was illiminated in Paris after that week. After Paris on the countdown of cities to help the cause of limiting car usage comes Bogota, Colombia. In this heated city nearly seven million people populate, they have a program where one day out of every year that cars are completely banned from use. Everyone in the population participates by hiking, biking, skating, or taking buses wherever they want to go according to the article "CarFree Day Is Spinning Into A Big hit In Bogota" by Andrew Selskey in paragragh 20. By this city promoting the use of buses, taxis, and other forms of transportations they're reducing smog and the amount of traffic jams and accidents throughout their city. After three years of this day being made two other Colombian cities have joined in to participate. The cities being Cali and Valledupar, Colombia. The day without cars was part of an improvement plan that began in Bogota in the mid1990s according to the article titled "CarFree Day Is Spinning Into a Big Hit In Bogota" by Andrew Selsky in paragrapgh 27. By participating in this day, the people of Bogota have seen the construction of one hundred and eighteen miles of bicyce paths and added parks and sports centers all over the city. Within the United States of America there are thousands upon thousands of cars used every day, but this may not last forever. Across the span of around eight years the amount of young people driving and obtaining their licenses has drastically decreased according to the article "The End Of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in paragraph 32. More people are taking buses or taxis or simply walking or biking to their destinations because with the growth in population over the last few years the traffic jams are unbearable and seem to take more time then to simply bike to work or school. If a car is used and is needed than most people in America seem to take to carpooling with a friend or neighbor which in turn helps to decrease the amount of air pollution in the country. | 0 |