train_essays: 56
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rowid | id | prompt_id | text | generated |
56 | 0b198045 | 0 | Many people throughout the world, would agree that car usage plays a significant role in daily lives. Although some may argue it plays an important role or a not so important role, the limitation of car usage would be a very helpful thing for everyone, and the world we are surrounded by. There are many advantages to cities being able to control the amount of cars being used everyday. Advantages such as, less pollution in the environment by creating less smog, making the cities and roads a lot safer, by lowering the risk of getting into or even causing a wreck, or even something as simple as making your life, and the lives around you much more peaceful. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some carintensive areas in the United States. paragraph 5" Cars are the number one cause of pollution in most cities, especially ones that have large amounts of drivers on the road in a single day. The author of source one, states in paragraph 8 that "..some new suburbs may well look more Vaubanlike not only in developed countries, but also in the developing world, where emissions from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities" All authors state that limiting car usage, is a great way to reduce air pollution. Paragraph 10, of source two, states that "After days of nearrecord pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city" If car usage was limited in cities there would be less smog, and pollution in the air. Not only would it be better for the environment, it would also be better for your health. Wrecks are things that claim the lives of people each and everyday. Some can be prevented, yet not all can. Think of how many lives are taken each day, due to wrecks because of things like congestion in big cities. Or even things such as someone behind the wheel who is stressed, and driving recklessly. A source from paragraph 3, states "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" Many people, get tense and stressed from the drivers around them. Limiting how much you use a car, can improve things such as stress levels. Imagine how much more at ease you would be if you constantly heard, a bicylest wizzing by you, or hearing children chattering and laughing among themselves, instead of hearing horns honking, loud motors, or even the sound of a car crash. Roads and streets take up much more space than we think or even realize. With less cars on the road everyday and more people walking, or riding a bike, could only mean one thing less roads and bigger sidewalks. More cities are trying to make limiting car usage a much bigger thing, " attempts to make suburbs more compact..." Source one, also states that "In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather that in malls along some distant highway. paragraph 6" Getting to these places will become safer for everyone. As you can see, there are many advantages to limiting car usage, such as, limiting the amount of pollution there is, lowering the risks of getting into, or even causing a wreck, and even something as simple as making it a more peaceful environment to live in, not only for yourself, but for others around you. Our world, and daily lives would be affected in great ways, in more cities, and even more countries, participated in lessing the amount of car usage. | 0 |