train_essays: 59
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rowid | id | prompt_id | text | generated |
59 | 0bbff1f5 | 0 | Why are the streets always so jammed!? Everyone asks that all the time almost everyday around 5:00pm. The reason for is because cars being excessively used nowadays. There are several different advantages that can happen when limiting car usage. The world would be a better place if less cars were used on the roads. To begin with, why do we the people use cars? The reason is because it can get us from A to B really fast. But that's only 1 positive for the usage of cars. Think about the negatives and disadvantages of using cars. My 1 main reason of the usage of cars is that it make the world less active. Walking or running is a daily form of exercise, and the usage of cars is limiting the numbers of that. In section 1 redrum Walter says that he always was tense when he had a car, he's much happier without one. This is why we should limit the usage of cars. We don't want the people to be tense all the time, we want them to enjoy and relax when using transportation other than cars. Walking will take longer but is better in the long run. You don't have traffic jams, you can go places and areas that cars couldn't fit through and you have many different ways of getting to a particular place rather than just a road. The only repercussion that you have to worry about with walking is the rain. But heres the thing, In section 3 Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus said "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating." This means rain isn't a problem when walking on the streets. Cars may offer more protection but its more dangerous than walking. This is why places like Germany, Paris, and Bogota are trying to carry out the experience of a "carfree" life. In addition, another advantage of limiting car use is limiting riots. I know we have all heard of people screaming and arguing in the cars of people in front or behind them. This is a big problem nowadays and it's because of the use of cars. If we can limit the usage of cars than we can hopefully reduce the level of aggrevation on the streets. Alot of accidents happen everyday dealing with the usage of cars. Cars provoke alot of deaths if you think about it. If we could limit the usage of driving cars than this will limit the amount of deaths per year by cars. That's the number 1 disadvantages to the using of cars. Walking and biking are my 2 favorite types of transportation because it's smooth, and it's more conveinant. Less accidents and injurys happen when walking or riding a bike. This can also help the streets be less packed which will allow for easier access to certain places. DUI is the main worst tragic that comes from the usage of cars. Many people die everyday because of drunk drivers and thats not respectable. Just imagine if the same person who caused an accident in the car while drunk was drunk on the streets while walking, he more than likely couldn't of caused an accident if he was walking and not driving a car. Just think about all of the disadvantages that cars promote. Last but not least, comes the president Barack Obamas most valuable reason to limit car usage. Obama wants to curb the U.S greenhouse gas emissions, and by that he wants to get fewer cars on the road. In section 4 it shows that "studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." This means that Obama's goal is prevailing. Paris came to a conclusion that they decided to ban driving due to smog. In section 2 it states that Paris air became so polluted that they enforced a parial "driving ban" to get rid of the air pollution. They blamed this problem due to the diesel fuel. They figured out that diesels make up 67% of vehicles in France, as to 53% in the rest of Western Eurpoe. In section 2 its pretty much the same reason except Bogota's goal is to "promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. The violators faced 25 fines." They figured limiting car usage was a good opportunity to take away stress and reduce air pollution. In section 4 the last paragraph tells you what Bill Ford plan was. He wanted to create cities in which "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial, and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, onserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." These are some advantages of less car usage. Many good things will start to happen if everyone could lower the usage of cars nowadays. We don't want the world to have polluted air, we don't want to promote car accidents, and we also don't want under age drivers on the streets. So take in mind the disadvantages of usage of cars and compared the to the the advantages of limiting car usage. | 0 |