train_essays: 60
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rowid | id | prompt_id | text | generated |
60 | 0bd440a5 | 0 | For a long time now we have been fighting against global warming and polution. Some people why we cant just end the fight quickly. And the reason is simply because we still rely so much on cars. All people need to find so type of way to stop using cars as much. There are some places that are already starting to limit uses. Like in Vauban, Germany who has a ban on cars, Paris, France who can use certain cars on certain days, and bogota, Colombia. One way people could limit their use of cars is if they did something like what Vauban, Germany did. Build cities that had no drive ways and no parking lots. That way people had to buy parking garage spots that cost alot of money. According to source one passenger cars are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse emissions in Europe. Many will think this is not alot but think about how much polution there is, then find out how twelve percent is it will be alot. But when these types of cities are made there will be a reduce in the emissions because little if any cars we be driven here. In source one Heidrun Walter said "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." This showes that without cars in people life it removes a tremondus amount of stress. People dont have to worry about spending money on gas or they don't have to worry about paying large amounts of money for their car to be fit. When there is not so much money at stake you tent to be a little less tense. Obvously creating a city were you have to buy a parking garage spot to hold your car would be a great idea because it would reduce the amount of polution being released and it would make the people living in the city less stressed. Another ways people could limit the use of cars is if they do something like Paris, France does. They placed a ban on cars with odd numbered licens plates on Mondays, And placed a ban on cars with even numbered licens plates on Tuesdays. They did this because they were having record breaking amounts of polution being released. They were releasing more polution than Beijing, China who is the leading city in polution. But according to article two Paris found a sixty percent decrease in polution in just five days of this even odd ban. This means they lost more than half of the cities polution by limiting the cars on Monday to only even licens and limiting the cars to only odd licens on Tuesday. Cleary this is a very effective method of reducing the amount of cars being used. A third way cars could be used less is if you have no car days like bogota, Colombia has. In article three Carlos Arturo Plaza says "It's a good way to take away stress and lower air polution." He is saying that cars a cause for polution and doing this day is a good way of lowering polution rates. This source also stated that other cities in Columbia like Cali and Valledpar are joining in this event. It is also said that other country leaders go to Colombia to watch this event. Afterwards they say the event is awesome. This means that not only is the event spreading across Colombia, but it could possibly spread to other countries as well. Without a doubt this is another effective way to limit the use of cars. It is clear that cars are a problem. But many people use them anyway, but what they don't think about is how much they are contributing to polution. Some ways to limit car usage are create cities where you have to pay for a place to store you car, have and even odd licens day, and have no car days. | 0 |