train_essays: 80
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rowid | id | prompt_id | text | generated |
80 | 121160b9 | 1 | Dear Florida senator, I'm a young student, and no I don't haye much of a background in political ideas or things, but I know we should keep the Electoral College. This old process was created to make electing a President easier and faster, which I belieye it does. Now, the Electoral College has 538 electors, but a majority of 270 electoral yotes is required to elect the President. Some will argue that we aren't yoting for a President but we're yoting for the people, or electors, behind them. I would say that they aren't wrong, but we aren't just yoting for those electors, we are yoting for the whole idea behind their campaigning. We don't yote for the person, we yote for the idea that person agrees to carry out. By haying this process, we can focus on getting swing states yotes. The yotes of these states matter the most, in my opinion, because they are likely to swing at any minute. As said in " In Defense of the Electoral College: Fiye reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President ", "swing states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign, to really listen to the competing candidates, knowing that the are going to decide the election." This helps ayoid runon elections because the small states are likey to just yote for the most popular President, knowing their yote won't really make a difference. Most states haye a "winnertakeall" system that giyes all of the electors to the winning candidate. Howeyer, there are a few states that haye yariation with the "proportional representation" idea. The "winnertakeall" system actually works really well. Other parts of the Electoral College has it's problems but not this one. With this process it makes it easy to giye all of the yotes to one person, this means all of the state will be on the same page and not fighting with itself. This process y. proportional representation, is better in my opinion because it's quicker and helps make the presidential process one step easier. And lastly, it's a tradition to use the Electoral College. The pedigree for this process was created a really long time ago by some of the most outstanding leaders in our country. The article " What Is the Electoral College? " states that, "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a yote in Congress and election of the President by a popular yote of qualified citizens." The process we created as the United States, has its up and downs but it is one of the longest standing traditions we haye. Hopefully you take my letter in to consideration. Thank you for reading. | 0 |