train_essays: 84
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rowid | id | prompt_id | text | generated |
84 | 12e92895 | 1 | Dear Senator, I along with many other citizens have came to the conclusion that the Electoral College worth keeping. Though, the process itself has loose ends, overall it benefits the state and national election. The system uses general influence and a representative style of voting that makes the ballot more stable and dependable. As a start, Electoral College electors are decided upon by the people. This means an elector with similar beliefs to the citizens will be chosen and most likely decide their vote in consideration of popular demand. Each state is given representatives in proportion to the population of the state. These people can be anyone who does not work in office and maybe a regular American who is probably going to empathize with the needs of the public and if chosen correctly will stand by the option of the state. Electoral College gives a more concentrated form of voting. In addition, some may argue that the Electoral College is risky and a representative may not always stay true to their word, but isn't this the case with all types of voting? A presidential candidate makes many a promise during their race for Chief Executive and there is no way to be completely certain that these oaths will hold true. The same goes for the Electoral College. Citizens must have faith in the candidate as they would in the presidential election that they will put their country or state before personal wants and carry out their responsibilities honestly. The Electoral College process requires trust like any other form of election. Lastly, though people may not want to believe it, the Electoral College brings a certainty to the ballot that popular vote could not do alone. Having a presidential tie could be the messiest turnout of an election, but with representative voting we can tip the scale in either way, in the interest of any state or party. It's a game of chance, but sure enough works better than flipping a coin! The Electoral College makes the voting system more reliable. In conclusion, the Electoral College should be kept as a part of the voting system because it gives a more concentrated form of voting, it only needs the same amount of trust betweencitizen and candidate as every other election style, and overall makes the voting system more reliable. | 0 |